02 6023 8790 admin@ramjo.nsw.gov.au

RAMJO has rolled out an Energy and Sustainability MS Teams shared filing system for the easy dissemination of information between RAMJO member Councils.
This shared file will be used as a resource library for member councils to view as and when the information is needed.
The files cover issues like:

  • Battery technology for electric vehicles (EV) and solar storage. Comparing the various battery chemistry and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Circular economy
  • EVs including information on EV charging, fleet transition, charging locations and information like cost and range on EVs currently in Australia coming soon and the EV secondhand market.
  • RAMJO Energy Subcommittee agendas and meeting minutes
  • Net Zero targets set by the NSW and Australian Governments and guidance for councils.
  • Information on new and emerging technologies in the energy and sustainability space
  • Newsletters including RAMJO and online newsletters
  • Power Purchase Agreement information
  • Renewable Energy, looking at Renewable Energy Zones, grid scale battery storage, solar PV, agrivoltaics (agriculture friendly solar farms), wind turbines, energy transmission and the energy transition.
  • The RAMJO Regional Energy Statement update
  • Energy and sustainability tools for councils, like the pools toolkit, the solar toolkit, sewerage and water treatment plant toolkit, the lighting toolkit and the Essential Energy electricity constraints map.
  • Links to relevant LG NSW network groups, and
  • An acronyms and terms excel sheet.

If there is something that you would like to see included in the resource library, please reach out to Shumona Roy the RAMJO Regional Energy and Sustainability Project Manager shumona.roy@ramjo.nsw.gov.au