02 6023 8790 admin@ramjo.nsw.gov.au

RAMJO Governance

Governing Board

The role of the Board is to direct and control the affairs of the Joint Organisation. The Board consults with the Executive Officer in directing and controlling the affairs of the Joint Organisation.

The RAMJO Board comprises the Mayors of the Member Councils (the voting members), as well as Mayors of Associate Member Councils (non voting members), Department of Regional NSW (a non-voting member), and the General Managers of the Member and Associate Member Councils (also non-voting members). The Board is supported by an Executive Officer.


Cr Ruth McRae OAM from Murrumbidgee Council has been appointed Chair, and Cr Doug Curran from Griffith City Council has been appointed Deputy Chair at the Board Meeting held November 8 2024.

The Chairperson is elected for a two year term by the voting representatives of the Board, from one of the Mayoral representatives. The Chairperson is the Joint Organisation’s spokesperson on strategic matters and leads and represents RAMJO at delegations, regional forums and meetings.

In the absence of the Chairperson at a Board meeting, a person elected by the representatives at the meeting of the Board presides at the meeting.

The Chairperson or other person presiding at the meeting is responsible for the conduct of the meeting, but does not have a casting vote.

Cr Ruth McRae

Chair, Cr Ruth McRae OAM
Mayor, Murrumbidgee Shire Council


Deputy Chair, Cr Doug Curran
Mayor, Griffith City Council

Mayor Cr Kevin Mack Albury City Council

Cr Kevin Mack
Mayor, AlburyCity

Mayor Berrigan Shire Council Cr Julia Cornwall-McKean

Cr Julia Cornwell McKean
Mayor, Berrigan Shire Council

Cr Darryl Jardine

Cr Darryl Jardine
Mayor, Carrathool Shire Council

Cr Ashley Hall
Mayor, Edward River Council

Federation Council Mayor Cr Cheryl Cook

Cr Cheryl Cook
Mayor, Federation Council

Cr Carol Oataway
Mayor, Hay Shire Council

Cr George Weston
Mayor, Leeton Shire Council

Edward River Mayor Cr John Harvie

Cr John Harvie
Mayor, Murray River Council

Cr Neville Kschenka

Cr Neville Kschenka
Mayor, Narrandera Shire Council

Executive Officer

The Executive Officer, Yvonne Lingua, is appointed by the Board and carries out the day-to-day operations of RAMJO in accordance with the Local Government Act and Regulations and the policies and directions of the Board and Chairperson.

Non-Voting Members

Albury City – Chief Executive Officer – Frank Zaknich
Berrigan Shire – Chief Executive Officer – Karina Ewer
Carrathool Shire – General Manager – Rick Warren
Edward River Council – Chief Executive Officer – Gary Arnold
Federation Council – General Manager – Adrian Butler
Griffith City – General Manager – Brett Stonestreet
Hay Shire – General Manager – David Webb
Leeton Shire – General Manager – Jackie Kruger
Murray River Council – Acting Chief Executive Officer – Sarah Ryan
Murrumbidgee Council – General Manager – John Scarce
Narrandera Shire – General Manager – George Cowan
Department of Regional NSW – Director Riverina Murray – Giles Butler
Office of Local Government – Council Engagement Manager – Cameron Templeton

Associate Member Council Mayors

Cr Louie Zaffina, Mayor Balranald Shire Council

Cr Louie Zaffina
Mayor, Balranald Shire Council

Cr Dallas Tout
Mayor, City of Wagga Wagga

Wentworth Council Mayor Cr Daniel Linklater

Cr Daniel Linklater
Mayor, Wentworth Shire Council

Associate Member Council General Managers

Balrandald:  Glenn Caroll
Wagga Wagga City:  Peter Thompson
Wentworth:  Ken Ross

RAMJO Code of Conduct

Model Code of Conduct

The Model Code of Conduct sets the minimum standards of conduct for council officials. It is prescribed by regulation to assist council officials to:

  • understand and comply with the standards of conduct that are expected of them
  • enable them to fulfil their statutory duty to act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence (section 439)
  • act in a way that enhances public confidence in local government.

What are the expected standards of behaviour?

The standards of behaviour are described in detail in the Model Code of Conduct. The Code is a legal document that all officials are obliged to understand and follow. The Model Code forms the basis of each council’s code of conduct.

Further information about the expected standards of behaviour can be found on the NSW Office of Local Government Website.

Office of Local Government

The Member Councils of the Joint Organisation resolved to appoint the below Regional Panel of Conduct Reviewers for a term expiring 30 June 2025. All current Regional Panel of Conduct Reviewers confirmed acceptance in June 2021.

  1. https://centium.com.au/contact-us/
  2. https://lglegal.com.au/contact-us/
  3. http://www.sincsolutions.com.au
  4. https://www.moray.com.au/contact
  5. http://www.wiseworkplace.com.au/contact/
  6. https://ballawyers.com.au/contact/

For further information please contact the RAMJO Executive Officer.