Welcome to the
Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation
The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) brings together 11 regional councils to provide a united and local voice for our communities on key issues.
Formerly known as “RAMROC”, in 2018, the NSW Government announced a new structure of local government entities called “joint organisations” to support councils to work together.
The RAMJO region covers an area of over 80,000 square kilometres and has a population of 152,909 people.
Joint organisations help to build stronger councils and to improve service delivery and infrastructure in key priority areas such as water security, energy, transport, digital connectivity, waste management and health, across these rural and regional communities.
The small RAMJO team works collaboratively with the General Managers and Mayors and other staff at each council to identify priority issues and then advocate for government funding and industry support to address these key projects.
RAMJO also has two waste groups that work with 13 councils across the region to provide collaborative approaches to waste and resource management. The Riverina Waste Group and the Murray Waste Group have a number of current projects underway, primarily funded by the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) through initiatives such as the Waste Less, Recycle More and Community Recycling Centres.
For more information about waste management in your region, go to:
Member Councils
The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) has been proclaimed by the NSW State Government as a Body Corporate under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and consists of the following eleven member councils. The RAMJO region covers an area of 80,000 square kilometres and has a 2022 population of 152,909
- Albury City Council
- Berrigan Shire Council
- Carrathool Shire Council
- Edward River Council
- Federation Council
- Griffith City Council
- Hay Shire Council
- Leeton Shire Council
- Murray River Council
- Murrumbidgee Council
- Narrandera Shire Council

Associate Member Councils
The Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation (RAMJO) includes the following Associate Member Councils.
- Balranald Shire Council
- City of Wagga Wagga Council
- Wentworth Shire Council

Further information about our member and associate member councils can be found here: Member Councils
RAMJO’s Regional Plans
RAMJO’s Water Position Paper was compiled last year to establish regional leadership, collaboration and advocacy in water management for our communities. The RAMJO Regional Freight Transport Plan released in November 2020, details identified road constraints and prioritises necessary freight infrastructure projects. RAMJO councils have also identified key infrastructure projects for their communities.
View these plans here:
Latest News

Sunset Solar
The Sunset on Solar project aims to divert end of life solar panels from across southern NSW landfills for further processing. RAMJO member councils – Murray River, Griffith,...

Super Fast Digital Connectivity Announced
Farrer MP Sussan Ley has announced a $1.2m agreement to super charge telecommunications for communities in and around Jerilderie, Coleambally and Darlington Point. Under the...