02 6023 8790 admin@ramjo.nsw.gov.au

Say NO to Water Buy-Backs

Helen Dalton MP, Member for Murray is seeking support to Say NO to Water Buy-Backs via a petition. This petition aims to protect regional and remote communities from the potentially devastating impacts of Commonwealth Water Buybacks.

The petition must be debated in Parliament if supported by at least 10,000 signatures. The petition urges the NSW Government to ensure that no water transfers occur without a detailed and transparent report into the expected impacts of any Commonwealth buybacks. This report must cover the potential economic, social, cultural, and environmental consequences of diverting water resources away from local communities.

RAMJO member Councils strongly urge all residents to sign the petition and stand up for the protection of their water resources. Your signature could make a significant difference in ensuring that our issues are heard and addressed at the highest levels of government. A copy of the petition can be found at RAMJO Member Council offices.

An informative video by Helen Dalton explains the complexities of water buybacks and their potential impacts. View the video here: https://vimeo.com/941456567